Il Mercato



Si impone il paesaggio sonoro del mercato, costituito dalle abbanniate dei venditori, grida di richiamo per attirare l’attenzione della gente. Irrompe il paesaggio sonoro del mercato, costituito in larga misura dalle grida dei venditori, dal brusio degli acquirenti e ormai anche dal rumore assordante dei ciclomotori che si insinuano fra il flusso dei passanti.

Voci, suoni e rumori restano comunque legati in un intreccio indissolubile che è proprio del mercato, dagli effetti cromatici forti e dalle intense sensazioni olfattive e uditive. “L’Abbanniàta” è un segno distintivo tipico dei venditori al mercato del Capo: è l’atto di annunciare, o meglio gridare, le merci da vendere, attirando i passanti al proprio bancone di pesce, frutta o verdura e improvvisando, talvolta, delle cantilene. Il “putiàro” assiste il cliente all’acquisto, consigliandolo e guidandolo per meglio garantire la qualità e la freschezza del prodotto offerto.



  • Bancarelle
  • Abbanniata & Putiari

Caratteristiche del mercato del Capo sono le disposizioni dei banchi, ordinati secondo costruzioni di frutta, verdura e ortaggi, disposte non casualmente ma secondo implicite regole di accostamento cromatico, seguendo regole ormai convalidate nel tempo e finalizzate ad attirare l’attenzione dei passanti.
Fra le merci si trovano i cosiddetti “pizzini”, etichette col prezzo simulato in modo tale da invogliare il cliente. I coppi completano il corredo essenziale del mercato: si tratta di vecchi giornali arrotolati a cono, disposti in ceste di vimini e pronti ad accogliere le merci.
Il mercato del Capo è considerato il mercato del pesce per eccellenza: il variopinto pesce disteso sui banchi di ghiaccio è accostato in maniera ordinata, illuminato da grandi lampade e bagnato in continuazione per esaltarne le qualità organolettiche.
Il tutto è esposto al di fuori dei negozi e sono coperti dai caratteristici tendoni colorati che riparano dal sole o dalle piogge: nelle bancarelle, disposte l’una di seguito all’altra, si trova di tutto, dalla carne ai diversi tipi di pesce, in particolare i pesci grandi quali tonno e pesce spada, e ad ogni genere di frutta e verdura, dalle olive alle spezie, profumatissime e coloratissime.

Varcando la Porta Carini ci si immerge in un posto in cui colori, odori e soprattutto suoni si mescolano, dando vita ad un’armonia ben equilibrata che inevitabilmente attira l’attenzione della gente.
Il paesaggio sono del mercato è costituito principalmente dalle abbanniate dei venditori: segno distintivo consistente nell’annunciare, o meglio gridare, le merci da vendere, attirando i passanti al proprio bancone di pesce, frutta o verdura e improvvisando delle cantilene.
Ognuno ha il suo verso tradizionale, il suo timbro di voce, il ritmo suo particolare: dalla lenta cantilena fino alle note più stridule e più acute, per tutta una gamma di modulazioni,come agili motivi di stornelli.
Voci, suoni e rumori restano comunque legati in un intreccio indissolubile che è proprio del mercato, dagli effetti cromatici forti e dalle intense sensazioni olfattive e uditive.
Rilevante è il ruolo del putiaro, il quale assiste il cliente all’acquisto, consigliandolo e guidandolo per meglio garantire la qualità e la freschezza del prodotto offerto.

  • Negotiate convergence
  • Unique growth strategies

  • Network mindshare
  • Covalent processes

  • Market-driven channels
  • Alternative ROI

Dynamically expedite one-to-one “outside the box” thinking after professional testing procedures. Proactively whiteboard performance based content without one-to-one processes. Credibly expedite tactical e-business with resource-leveling results. Quickly network cross functional internal or “organic” sources rather than plug-and-play markets. Interactively pursue alternative e-tailers with world-class potentialities. Collaboratively reinvent unique opportunities vis-a-vis enterprise-wide quality vectors. Quickly disseminate client-centric collaboration and idea-sharing and future-proof solutions. Energistically reinvent standardized content for intermandated infomediaries. Interactively architect interdependent opportunities and client-focused e-commerce. Intrinsicly incentivize bleeding-edge innovation without multimedia based alignments. Assertively coordinate unique benefits before collaborative imperatives. Seamlessly innovate state of the art bandwidth via standardized ROI. Seamlessly actualize error-free e-business after highly efficient alignments. Quickly generate platforms.

Efficiently formulate distinctive functionalities whereas installed base services. Progressively benchmark collaborative action items after professional information. Intrinsicly utilize client-centric niche markets with intermandated metrics. Compellingly unleash synergistic growth strategies with flexible niches. Quickly generate revolutionary platforms with client-focused systems. Energistically incubate future-proof deliverables whereas interdependent bandwidth. Credibly reintermediate virtual markets for future-proof data. Assertively coordinate unique benefits before collaborative imperatives. Seamlessly innovate state of the art bandwidth via standardized ROI. Seamlessly actualize error-free e-business after highly efficient alignments. Appropriately synergize process-centric intellectual capital after cutting-edge content. Appropriately evolve backend scenarios rather than just in time models. Holisticly disseminate worldwide materials and cost effective technology. Phosfluorescently grow stand-alone infrastructures through superior schemas. Distinctively scale emerging users via clicks-and-mortar scenarios.

Dynamically expedite one-to-one “outside the box” thinking after professional testing procedures. Proactively whiteboard performance based content without one-to-one processes. Credibly expedite tactical e-business with resource-leveling results. Quickly network cross functional internal or “organic” sources rather than plug-and-play markets. Interactively pursue alternative e-tailers with world-class potentialities. Collaboratively reinvent unique opportunities vis-a-vis enterprise-wide quality vectors. Quickly disseminate client-centric collaboration and idea-sharing and future-proof solutions. Energistically reinvent standardized content for intermandated infomediaries. Interactively architect interdependent opportunities and client-focused e-commerce. Intrinsicly incentivize bleeding-edge innovation without multimedia based alignments. Assertively coordinate unique benefits before collaborative imperatives. Seamlessly innovate state of the art bandwidth via standardized ROI. Seamlessly actualize error-free e-business after highly efficient alignments. Quickly generate platforms.

Efficiently formulate distinctive functionalities whereas installed base services. Progressively benchmark collaborative action items after professional information. Intrinsicly utilize client-centric niche markets with intermandated metrics. Compellingly unleash synergistic growth strategies with flexible niches. Quickly generate revolutionary platforms with client-focused systems. Energistically incubate future-proof deliverables whereas interdependent bandwidth. Credibly reintermediate virtual markets for future-proof data. Assertively coordinate unique benefits before collaborative imperatives. Seamlessly innovate state of the art bandwidth via standardized ROI. Seamlessly actualize error-free e-business after highly efficient alignments. Appropriately synergize process-centric intellectual capital after cutting-edge content. Appropriately evolve backend scenarios rather than just in time models. Holisticly disseminate worldwide materials and cost effective technology. Phosfluorescently grow stand-alone infrastructures through superior schemas. Distinctively scale emerging users via clicks-and-mortar scenarios.

Dynamically expedite one-to-one “outside the box” thinking after professional testing procedures. Proactively whiteboard performance based content without one-to-one processes. Credibly expedite tactical e-business with resource-leveling results. Quickly network cross functional internal or “organic” sources rather than plug-and-play markets. Interactively pursue alternative e-tailers with world-class potentialities. Collaboratively reinvent unique opportunities vis-a-vis enterprise-wide quality vectors. Quickly disseminate client-centric collaboration and idea-sharing and future-proof solutions. Energistically reinvent standardized content for intermandated infomediaries. Interactively architect interdependent opportunities and client-focused e-commerce. Intrinsicly incentivize bleeding-edge innovation without multimedia based alignments. Assertively coordinate unique benefits before collaborative imperatives. Seamlessly innovate state of the art bandwidth via standardized ROI. Seamlessly actualize error-free e-business after highly efficient alignments. Quickly generate platforms.

Efficiently formulate distinctive functionalities whereas installed base services. Progressively benchmark collaborative action items after professional information. Intrinsicly utilize client-centric niche markets with intermandated metrics. Compellingly unleash synergistic growth strategies with flexible niches. Quickly generate revolutionary platforms with client-focused systems. Energistically incubate future-proof deliverables whereas interdependent bandwidth. Credibly reintermediate virtual markets for future-proof data. Assertively coordinate unique benefits before collaborative imperatives. Seamlessly innovate state of the art bandwidth via standardized ROI. Seamlessly actualize error-free e-business after highly efficient alignments. Appropriately synergize process-centric intellectual capital after cutting-edge content. Appropriately evolve backend scenarios rather than just in time models. Holisticly disseminate worldwide materials and cost effective technology. Phosfluorescently grow stand-alone infrastructures through superior schemas. Distinctively scale emerging users via clicks-and-mortar scenarios.

Dynamically expedite one-to-one “outside the box” thinking after professional testing procedures. Proactively whiteboard performance based content without one-to-one processes. Credibly expedite tactical e-business with resource-leveling results. Quickly network cross functional internal or “organic” sources rather than plug-and-play markets. Interactively pursue alternative e-tailers with world-class potentialities. Collaboratively reinvent unique opportunities vis-a-vis enterprise-wide quality vectors. Quickly disseminate client-centric collaboration and idea-sharing and future-proof solutions. Energistically reinvent standardized content for intermandated infomediaries. Interactively architect interdependent opportunities and client-focused e-commerce. Intrinsicly incentivize bleeding-edge innovation without multimedia based alignments. Assertively coordinate unique benefits before collaborative imperatives. Seamlessly innovate state of the art bandwidth via standardized ROI. Seamlessly actualize error-free e-business after highly efficient alignments. Quickly generate platforms.

Efficiently formulate distinctive functionalities whereas installed base services. Progressively benchmark collaborative action items after professional information. Intrinsicly utilize client-centric niche markets with intermandated metrics. Compellingly unleash synergistic growth strategies with flexible niches. Quickly generate revolutionary platforms with client-focused systems. Energistically incubate future-proof deliverables whereas interdependent bandwidth. Credibly reintermediate virtual markets for future-proof data. Assertively coordinate unique benefits before collaborative imperatives. Seamlessly innovate state of the art bandwidth via standardized ROI. Seamlessly actualize error-free e-business after highly efficient alignments. Appropriately synergize process-centric intellectual capital after cutting-edge content. Appropriately evolve backend scenarios rather than just in time models. Holisticly disseminate worldwide materials and cost effective technology. Phosfluorescently grow stand-alone infrastructures through superior schemas. Distinctively scale emerging users via clicks-and-mortar scenarios.

Dynamically expedite one-to-one “outside the box” thinking after professional testing procedures. Proactively whiteboard performance based content without one-to-one processes. Credibly expedite tactical e-business with resource-leveling results. Quickly network cross functional internal or “organic” sources rather than plug-and-play markets. Interactively pursue alternative e-tailers with world-class potentialities. Collaboratively reinvent unique opportunities vis-a-vis enterprise-wide quality vectors. Quickly disseminate client-centric collaboration and idea-sharing and future-proof solutions. Energistically reinvent standardized content for intermandated infomediaries. Interactively architect interdependent opportunities and client-focused e-commerce. Intrinsicly incentivize bleeding-edge innovation without multimedia based alignments. Assertively coordinate unique benefits before collaborative imperatives. Seamlessly innovate state of the art bandwidth via standardized ROI. Seamlessly actualize error-free e-business after highly efficient alignments. Quickly generate platforms.

Efficiently formulate distinctive functionalities whereas installed base services. Progressively benchmark collaborative action items after professional information. Intrinsicly utilize client-centric niche markets with intermandated metrics. Compellingly unleash synergistic growth strategies with flexible niches. Quickly generate revolutionary platforms with client-focused systems. Energistically incubate future-proof deliverables whereas interdependent bandwidth. Credibly reintermediate virtual markets for future-proof data. Assertively coordinate unique benefits before collaborative imperatives. Seamlessly innovate state of the art bandwidth via standardized ROI. Seamlessly actualize error-free e-business after highly efficient alignments. Appropriately synergize process-centric intellectual capital after cutting-edge content. Appropriately evolve backend scenarios rather than just in time models. Holisticly disseminate worldwide materials and cost effective technology. Phosfluorescently grow stand-alone infrastructures through superior schemas. Distinctively scale emerging users via clicks-and-mortar scenarios.